Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hi, (gasp!) Im Kim

Hi, (gasp!) IĆ¢€™m Kim Wow. Ive had an intense week. And its only Wednesday. Now, finally, Ive gotten to a point where the workload will be manageable from here on out, and therefore I can say, Hello! Im Kim. Well, I guess Im Kimd when it comes to admissions blogging, since theres another Kim. As you can see in my bio, Im a senior at MIT this year. Im taking a lot of awesome classes. One of them is 6.131: Power Electronics. Its a lab class about the art of creating electrical devices which use power efficiently. Power Electronics is, for better or for worse, about as time consuming as it is awesome, so Ive spent most of the last week staring at this, From mitblog except that it got more and more complicated as time went on. Eventually I had a power amplifier that I could use to play music from my laptop through a lab speaker! Now that Ive finished the lab and shown it to a TA, I have a days break where I wont go into lab how exciting! Ive also been working on assignments for my other classes: 6.336, 6.012, 6.021 and 17.810 more about them later. Luckily Ive found some people to work with on some of the classes. Late nights always seem less painful when theres someone to share a chocolate chip and banana blueberry yogurt concoction with :) But, the night wears on and I have miles (well, a paper) to go before I sleep. Ttfn!